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PwnSTAR for Kali Linux

P wn STAR ( P wn S of T A p sc R ipt) is a bash script to launch a Fake AP, configurable with a wide variety of wireless attack options now runs on Kali Linux. Here are the features of PwnSTAR. takes care of configuration of interfaces, macspoofing, airbase-ng and isc-dhcp-server steals WPA handshakes phishes email credentials serves webpages: supplied (eg hotspot, below) or provide your own sniffing with ferret and sslstrip adds a captive portal to the frontend of the fake AP assorted exploits de-auth with MDK3, aireplay-ng or airdrop-ng Please click on PwnSTAR for Kali Linux.

802.11 Recommended Wireless Cards

2.4GHz Rokland N3 Ralink RT3070 700 mW Detachable antenna (RP-SMA) IEEE 802.11b/g/n 150Mbps WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPS USB 2.0 Alfa AWUS036NHA Realtek AR9002U ~800 mW (29dBm) Detachable antenna (RP-SMA) IEEE 802.11b/g/n 150Mbps WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPS USB 2.0 TP-Link WN722N Atheros AR9002U 500 mW ? Detachable antenna (RP-SMA) IEEE 802.11b/g/n 150Mbps WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPS USB 2.0 5GHz (& 2.4GHz) Rosewill RNX-N600UBE Ralink RT3572 100 mW ? Detachable antenna (SMA) IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n 300Mbps WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPS USB 2.0 Other useful links

A General Suggestion

While working with Kali Linux, if you find Kali Linux freezes occasionally, then follow few steps. STEP 1: Check if other OS, if installed, is working properly. STEP 2: If  YES, then check STEP 3 and if NO then check  STEP 4 STEP 3: It could be an issue with Kali Linux. Perform below steps to resolve the issue. Check for the update if available, if you have internet While updating if you find an error, then read the error carefully and accordingly contact for support in forums or else submit your report to Always install the updated version of OS to fix the bug. If there is a bug in the installer, then check this link . STEP 4:   check HDD if found any bad sectors check RAM "clean if needed" check if any usb drive is attached check power supply and static problems around or in the pc/laptop

Installing VirtualBox in Kali Linux

Here are the steps involved to install VirtualBox in Kali Linux. Goto this link  and select Debian version, either i386 or AMD64(depending upon the platform of your computer have). My system support i386. Select the location to download the file. I chose  Debian 7.0 ("Wheezy") and the version of virtualbox is 4.3.2. Once the file is downloaded, open root terminal window and goto the downloaded directory. My default directory is /root/downloads. Now run, dpkg -i virtualbox-x.x.x.x~Debian~wheezy_i386.deb (where x is replaced by version of virtual box) eg.: root@kali:~Downloads# dpkg -i virtualbox-4.3_4.3.2-90405~Debian~wheezy_i386.deb Once we run this command, it de-compress the .deb package, start setting virtualbox environment and checks if any recent update is available. Once setup is installed sucessfully, you can goto Applications to check if VirtualBox in listed there or not.  Applications--> Sys...

Wired Network “unmanaged” in Network Manager

Issue: WLAN works fine with NetworkManager Wired Device (ethX) is marked as “ unmanaged ” and doesn’t work even if it gets DHCP-lease/IP-address /etc/network/interfaces looks correct Solution: Open root terminal and type        leafpad  / etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and then edit           ...           [ifupdown]           managed=true           ... Save the file. Inorder, to make the changes to come to an effect, type       /etc/init.d/network-manager force-reload

Kali Linux 1.0.5 released

Offensive Security, the developer behind the Backtrack and Kali Linux operating systems, has announced a few days ago that a new maintenance release of the Kali Linux distribution for forensic and penetration testing tasks is available for download. Here is the link for download .

LazyKali script for Kali Linux

LazyKali is an awesome script written in bash shell. It can automate the whole update and install new tools in your hack repository. As the name suggests, you can get all the updates on Kali Linux and your repositories in one place by running this script. Please read the description of the project here  to know what tools are there that are going to be added when you run the script. Download . * Warning: Disable firewall or Internet Security application if your Kali Linux is installed in a virtual machine. To install the script on Kali Linux, run   rootkali:~ #./   on root terminal window. (If you get a message Permission Denied , then first type  rootkali:~ #chmod +x   and then  rootkali:~ #./ ). if the script is not installed it may prompt you to install. Type Y  to install the script. Once the script is installed, it will check the version. If the version is old, allow it to update by typing...

How to reset root password

1. Boot the machine and wait until GRUB Boot Loader comes up. Select recovery mode  and then press e  to edit. 2. Change the permission mode from ro  to rw and modify boot loader file in  init=/bin/bash  and then F10  make the changes and reboot the system. 3. Once the system reboot, shell prompts you for the password to manage the system. Type passwd root   and then type the desired password   of your choice. Confirm the password   and then hit enter. If new password  and retype new password  matches correctly, then you will get the message password updated successfully . Type shutdown -h now  to press power button to shutdown the system and then boot the system again. 4. Type root   and the new password . If you type the new password correctly, then you will desktop screen of Kali Linux .

Project Artillery

Project Artillery is an advanced active response tool for detecting attackers before they have the chance to hit the rest of your network. Project Artillery is an open-source Python-driven tool written purely in native Python. The purpose of Artillery is to provide a combination of a honeypot, file-system monitoring, system hardening, real-time threat intelligence feeds, and overall health of a server to create a comprehensive way to secure a system. Project Artillery was written to be an addition to security on a server and make it very difficult for attackers to penetrate a system. The concept is simple. Project Artillery will monitor the filesystem looking for any type of change, if one is detected, an email is sent to the server owner. If SSH brute force attacks are detected, notifications will be sent to the server owner, as well as ban the offending IP address. Project Artillery has a built in threat intelligence feed that automatically blocks attackers known from other sensors d...

Kali Linux 1.0.4 Released

Since the initial release of Kali have seen a large number of changes, upgrades and improvements in the distribution, all of which are included in version 1.0.4. Kali Linux is an open source project developed by the Offensive Security, a successor to BackTrack Linux. This Kali Linux Update release with more new addition tool. Winexe Pass the Hash Toolkit enum4linux RegRipper rfcat Unicornsan jSQL JD-GUI Ubertooth Ghost Phisher Uniscan Arachni Bully In addition to the new tools added to the distribution, version 1.04 of Kali Linux also contains many upgraded packages. Some of the more notable updates are: OpenVAS Volatility Durandal’s Backdoor Maltego OWASP ZAP Armitage DNSrecon Vega WPScan As usual, you do not need to re-download Kali Linux 1.0.4 if you already have it installed. A regular “ apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ” will do the job of getting you to the latest and greatest! For more info on Kali Linux visit Official blog by Click Here or Download ISO Image from...

Some of the best sites to crack MD5 Hashed

About MD5: MD5 is an algorithm created in 1991 by Professor Ronald Rivest that is used to create digital signatures. It is intended for use with 32 bit machines and is safer than the MD4 algorithm, which has been broken. MD5 is a one-way hash function, meaning that it takes a message and converts it into a fixed string of digits, also called a message digest. When using a one-way hash function, one can compare a calculated message digest against the message digest that is decrypted with a public key to verify that the message hasn't been tampered with. This comparison is called a "hashcheck." Here is a list of websites that can crack MD5 Hashes..... (recommended) www.h...

How to reset Windows password with Kali Linux

Download Kali Linux  and burn the ISO to a CD/DVD. Boot Windows machine with the LiveCD . On the boot menu of Kali Linux, select Live (forensic mode) . Kali Linux initialize and when it loads, it will open a terminal window and navigate to the Windows password database file. Almost all versions of windows password is saved in SAM file. This file is usually located under /Windows/System32/config . On your system it may look something like this: /media/hda1 /Windows/System32/config . Below is the screenshot. The SAM database is usually in the /media/name_of_hard_drive/Windows/System32/config The screen shot below lists the SAM database file on my hard drive. The screen shot below lists the SAM database file on my hard drive. Type command chntpw -l SAM  and it will list out all the usernames that are contained on the Windows system. The command gives us a list of usernames on the system. When we have the username we want to modify and we simply run the command chntpw -u...

Access Kali Linux through Remote System

There are several open source and enterprise software program through which we can access remote system. These software becomes a necessity when you setup a remote server and do not allow direct access to the server, as because of some security measures. PuTTy is one of the major terminal emulator through which we can access a remote server. PuTTy is a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application. It supports several network protocols, including SCP, SSH, Telnet and rlogin. Here, I am going to show you how to access Kali Linux through PuTTy . My base computer is running Windows 7 and Kali Linux is installed in a VMWare Player. So we can assume that Kali Linux is installed in a remote machine, as Windows 7 and of Kali Linux is on different network now. Before we access Kali Linux through remote system, we need to make sure that ssh service is already running in Kali Linux. To check the status of ssh service. Open root terminal and type...

Kali Linux review and a brief history of the BackTrack

Looks like Kali Linux is a great success. Kali Linux is the successor to BackTrack, the much loved Linux Penetration Distro/ Operating System that is aimed at penetration testers and security professionals. Before we dive into our brief review – we thought it would be cool to give a brief history of how Kali Linux came to be. What is the history of Kali Linux and BackTrack? We are all very familiar with Backtrack, which has been around for the last seven years – created and managed by Offensive Security, but what is the history of this famous Linux penetration testing distribution? Much like we trace our ancestors back to Africa, so we trace Kali Linux back to Knoppix! Knoppix was one of the first ever bootable Live Linux Distro’s. Still in existence, Knoppix is a classic distro with a loyal community. Over time the Knoppix project was forked into WHoppix (yes the WH are meant to be capitalized) that was then re-forked into WHAX. WHAX was then re-branded and streamlined into the BackTr...

Some basic commands for Kali Linux

File Operations pwd                        Print Name Of Current/Working Directory cd                         Changing The Working Directory cp                         Copy Files Or Directory rm                         Remove Files And Directory ls                         List Of Directory Contents mkdir                      Make Directory cat                        Concatenate Files And Print On Standard Output mv                         Move Files chmod                   ...

TOR for Kali Linux

Tor (used to stand for " The Onion Router ", but it's no longer considered an abbreviation, so it's just " Tor "), is an anonymity network, used to surf the web (and more) anonymously. Basically, anyone running the Tor software on their computer runs a proxy, and traffic gets passed (encrypted) from one person running Tor to another person running Tor, multiple times through many users, until it get's to the page that you requested. Hence the term " Onion " used to describe it, since it works in " layers ". Each person running Tor on their computer is called a " Node ". To the page (and anyone logging requests to that page, such as the website owner for example) they can only see the IP address of the last Node (called the "end node"). Any communication along the way, between you, when you request the website page, and the final destination, is encrypted, and cannot be analyzed. However, the last Node in the chain...

Kali Cleaner: A small cleaner for Kali Linux

What it does? It cleans apt cache. Remove old config files. Remove old kernels. Empty every trashes. What you can do is to save the script on your Desktop. Make it executable and clean kali linux. Ex: root@kali:~/Desktop# ./ Download: or you can use command in terminal: git clone

Kali Linux: A complete InfoSec Distro

BackTrack has always been a popular choice when it comes to security and penetration testing. This open source distro has gained a lot of popularity and was rolled till version 5 with frequent changes to the variants. This project from Offensive Security has been moved from Ubuntu to Debian and the operating system is now renamed as Kali Linux. If you have installed a fresh copy of Kali Linux, then you might have noticed some awesome security and penetration tools under Kali Linux drop down menu list. These tools are powerful and yet efficient to use. If you go through the menu list of security tools, you might have noticed that few like Wireless Attacks, Forensics and Reverse Engineering is added, which is quite impressive. One more section has been added in the list, ie Hardware Hacking. One more thing that you would be happy to see is Arduino kit on the list. Arduino is a single-board microcontroller designed to make the process of using electronics in multi-disciplinary projects mo...

How to access a drive or a folder in a network through Kali Linux

In this scenario, I have Windows 7 and Kali Linux  operating systems. Kali Linux is installed in a virtual server, i.e.  vmware player .  (A) Now to create a shared drive or folder in Windows 7 Click on Start    and then on Computer .  Select the drive or the  folder you want to share. Right click on it, then click on Share with  and then on Advanced sharing... Goto Sharing  tab and click on Advanced Sharing... Check on Share this folder , then click on Add button to give Share name and Description of the drive or folder and select the number of users that you allow to share the drive or folder. Then click on permissions and add number of users to whom you grant permission to share your drive or folder in a network. Click on OK to all pop windows that has opened so far. This will take affect and you will see shared drive or folder in the network. (B) Open vmware player and allow Kali Linux to boot. Login with username and password Press Al...

Debian Sources List Generator

1. goto 2. click on 3rd party repos 3. fill the details as per your requirement and click on send 4. now select sources under Default Debian Packages and if necessary check on yes include , if source packages are required and then click generate sources.list button to generate your links 5. add them to etc/apt/sources.list 6. open root terminal and type apt-get update

** An Important Suggestion

A suggestion to those who want to experiment or do testing with their OSes. I suggest you not to make your system with dual or triple partition. If you are not sure with partition table or with boot loader, then you may mess up with mapping partition of OSes in boot loader. It's really a tedious job, and if the OS is not mount properly your important data may be lost which you may not able to recover in future. Dual partition makes you no good to your system other than the user interface to access different OSes of your choice. I suggests you to install virtual manager or server, like vmware player, oracle virtualbox, virtual pc in your OS, where you can experiment with different OSes, do testing, unlocking of codes, hacking and lots more than you can expect. Happy Hacking.......

Install Kali Linux ARM on Raspberry Pi

Before we begin, let me give you a brief introduction on Raspberry Pi. Well, a Raspberry Pi  is a low budget, small credit-card sized ARM board, that acts as a computer. This board is developed by  Raspberry Pi Foundation , UK with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools. The processor at the heart of the Raspberry Pi system is a Broadcom BCM2835 system-on-chip (SoC) multimedia processor. This means that the vast majority of the system’s components, including its central and graphics processing units along with the audio and communications hardware, are built onto that single component hidden beneath the 256 MB memory chip at the centre of the board. It’s not just this SoC design that makes the BCM2835 different to the processor found in your desktop or laptop, however. It also uses a different instruction set architecture (ISA), known as ARM. The ARM-based BCM2835 is the secret of how the Raspberry Pi is able to operate on just the 5V 1A...

** An Important Instruction

As kali linux is new to all of us, being a learner we all come with a new issue and try to resolve it as quickly as possible. While installing software, most of us don't know the dependency packages that are installed or removed from the system. A great feature that kali linux provide is that when we run apt  command, it checks the available package/s in the repository and accordingly asks if to install. Meanwhile, it also checks the un-necessary packages that is not required. Here is a command that removes the un-necessary packages. From the root terminal window, please type  apt-get autoremove . When you hit 'return' or 'enter'  key, it checks the packages that is to be removed from the system. Please read those packages carefully, before you make confirmation to remove it from the system.

Installing Firefox on Kali Linux

Mozilla Firefox is a quite handy browser compared to Iceweasel (default browser in Kali Linux). It has lot of plug-in features that Iceweasel lag. Sometimes, we find it difficulty while navigating through Iceweasel . Hence, I thought of installing Mozilla   Firefox . To do this, you have to first un-install  Iceweasel  from Kali Linux or else it won't allow you to install  Mozilla Firefox . Here are the step that I performed. 1. Open root terminal window and type     apt-get remove iceweasel it removes  iceweasel   from the application menu 2. type  echo -e "\ndeb all main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null it adds repository for the installation 3. type apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver C1289A29 import the required gpg key 4. type apt-get update update the required package 5. type apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build install mozilla ...

How to install qbittorrent in Kali Linux

About qbittorrent :  qbittorrent  is a torrent client, an alternative to utorrent . It's a GUI based cross platform free software based on Qt toolkit. We know that Kali Linux's base package is constructed in Debian, so we need to add to sources.list file. To do this, 1. open any text editor and edit sources.list  file, located in /etc/apt directory, with an entry deb import deb packages . 2. type apt-get install qbittorrent  on the root terminal window and press enter 3. Once qbittorrent is installed, type qbittorrent on the root terminal window and press enter and, you are set to go.

BackTrack vs. Kali Linux

As we know Kali Linux is the successor of BackTrack 5 , so there are much similarities to BackTrack in many ways, but it lays a new foundation and makes substantial improvements that will allow it to be even more useful to penetration testers in the coming years. BackTrack Many security practitioners have been using BackTrack to perform their security assessments. BackTrack is an open-source Linux-based penetration testing toolset. BackTrack made performing a security assessment easier because all of the common tools that you needed were all packaged into one nice distribution and ready to go at a moment's notice. BackTrack contains so many security tools that it is too difficult to list them all. If you want to see a complete list of all the tools just run " dpkg --list ". BackTrack made it easy to create a new VM from the downloaded ISO , perform the assessment, then either archive that VM for future reference or delete it when done to remove the evidence. The latest ...

Add Repository in Kali Linux

Kali linux is a debian base linux distribution designed for penetration testing. Here, I will give a tutorial on how to add a repository on Kali Linux 1.0.3 with ease. Repository is a archival software, where software in this archive can be retrieved by the user to use. Please click here  to check for the new blog post on repository.  1. Open root terminal and type this code.    root@kali:~#  leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list 2. Add all repositories, i.e. : deb /kali main contrib non-free deb /wheezy main contrib non-free deb kali-dev main contrib non-free deb kali-dev main/debian-installer deb kali main contrib non-free deb kali main/debian-installer deb-src kali-dev main contrib non-free deb-src kali main contrib non-free deb-src

Armitage in Kali Linux

About Armitage Armitage is a scriptable red team collaboration tool for Metasploit that visualizes targets, recommends exploits and exposes the advanced post-exploitation features in the framework. Through one Metasploit instance, your team will: Use the same sessions Share hosts, captured data, and downloaded files Communicate through a shared event log Run bots to automate red team tasks Armitage is open source software developed by Raphael Mudge's company Strategic Cyber LLC. However, Cobalt Strike is the commercially supported big brother of Armitage. Armitage organizes Metasploit's capabilities around the hacking process. There are features for discovery, access, post-exploitation, and maneuver. This section describes these features at a high-level, the rest of this manual covers these capabilities in detail. Armitage's dynamic workspaces let you define and switch between target criteria quickly. Use this to segment thousands of hosts into target sets. Armitage also ...