This tool is designed as a password dictionary attack tool, that targets Windows Authentication via SMB protocol. It's a wrapper script around 'smbclient' binary and as a result is dependent on it for its execution. Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol is a network file sharing protocol and as implemented in Microsoft Windows is known as Microsoft SMB Protocol. The set of message packets that defines a particular version of the protocol is called a dialect. The Common Internet File System (CIFS) Protocol is a dialect of SMB. Both SMB and CIFS are also available on VMS, several versions of Unix, and other operating systems. SMB can run on top of the Session Layer: Directly over TCP, port 445 ; Via the NetBIOS API, which in turn can run on several transports; On UDP ports 137, 138 & TCP ports 137, 139 (NetBIOS over TCP/IP); On several legacy protocols such as NBF (incorrectly referred to as NetBEUI). The SMB “Inter-Process Communication” (IPC) system provides named pipes ...