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Showing posts from March, 2016

How to Change the ICON of an EXECUTABLE file

Some times it becomes necessary to change the icon of an executable file so that the file gets a new appearance. Many of the tools such as Tune UP Win styler does this job by adjusting the Windows to display a custom icon to the user. But, in reality if the file is carried to a different computer, then it shows its original icon itself. This means that in order to permanently change the icon, it is necessary to modify the executable file and embed the icon inside the file itself. When this is done the executable file’s icon is changed permanently, so that even if you take file to a different computer it show’s a new icon. For this purpose I have found a nice tool which will modidify the executable file and embed the icon of your choice into the file The tool changes the icon of the executable file permanently. How to Change the Executable File Icon? Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to use this tool to change the icon of any EXE file: 1.Go

How to Compile C Programs

Here is a step-by-step procedure to install Borland C++ compiler 5.5 on your PC and compile the C programs. How to Install Borland C++ compiler? Follow the below steps to install Borland C++ compiler 5.5 on your PC: 1.Download Borland C++ compiler 5.5 (for Windows platform) from the google if u can't find the link plz comment we will add for you.... 2.After you download, run the fileC++5.51.exe. The default installation path would be: C:\Borland\BCC55 -----now we have done installations area--- How to configure Borland C++ compiler? Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to configure the compiler: 1.After you install Borland C++ compier, create twonew Text Documents. 2.Open the firstNew Text Document.txtfile and add the following two lines into it: -I"c:\Borland\Bcc55\include" -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib" Save changes and close the file. Now rename the file from New Text Document.txttobcc32.cfg. 3.Open the secondNew Text Document (2).txtfile and add...

A Virus Program to Disable USB Ports

In this post, I will show how to create a simple virus that disables the USB ports on the computer (PC). As usual,I am using my favorite C programming language to create this virus. Anyone with a basic knowledge of C language should be able to understand the working of this virus program. Once this virus is executed it will immediately disable all the USB portson the computer. As a result you’ll will not be able to use your pen drive or any other USB peripheral devices on the computer. The source code for this virus is available for download. You can test this virus on your own computer without any worries since I have also given a program to re-enable all the USB ports. 1.Download the source code of the virus program on to your computer from the following link: The download contains the following 2 files: *.block_usb.c (source code) *.unblock_usb.c ...

How to find a vulnerable Website Using Dork?

How to find a vulnerable Website Using Dork? And hack website What is an SQL Injection? SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application (like queries). The vulnerability is present when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed. It is an instance of a more general class of vulnerabilities that can occur whenever one programming or scripting language is embedded inside another. SQL injection attacks are also known as SQL insertion attacks.How do I know if the site is vulnerable?Well, the most basic way to do it, and the easiest, would be to use an SQLi Scanner, such as Acunetix Web Vulnerability ScannerAlternatively, you can search manually using something called a "Dork". So what is a dork? A dork is a simple search used on google ( or other search engi...

Hack Websites steps

Hacking website using Havij enjoy!!!!! According to a survey the most common technique of hacking a website is SQL Injection. SQL Injection is a technique in which hacker insert SQL codes into web Forum to get Sensitive Information like (User Name , Passwords) to access the site and Deface it. The traditional SQL injection method is quite difficult, but now a days there are many tools available online through which any script kiddie can use SQL Injection to deface a webite, because of these tools websites have became more vulnerable to these types of attacks.One of the popular tools is Havij, Havij isan advanced SQL injection tool which makes SQL Injection very easy for you, Along with SQL injection it has a built in admin page finder which makes it very effective.Warning – This article is only for education purposes, By reading this article you agree that Hacky Shacky is not responsible in any way for any kind of damage caused by the information provided in this article.Support...

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner

Hello guys welcome here plzz comment ur problems enjoy!!!!!! Find out if your website is secure before hackers download sensitive data, commit a crime by using your website asa launch pad, and endanger your business. Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (WVS) crawls your website, automatically analyzes your web applications and finds perilous SQL injection, Cross site scripting and other vulnerabilities that expose your online business. Concise reports identify whereweb applications need to be fixed, thus enabling you to protect your business from impending hacker attacks!In today’s threat landscape, organizations and security professionals can no longer focus on the patching and infrastructure vulnerabilities.  If regulations or industry standards are not your driver, you can guarantee that clients will soon be asking “how are you securing your applications?” As with any solution you need to have the people, processes, and technology in place to be successful....

Hack facebook with keyloggers

Keyloggeris a software program or hardware device that is used to monitor and log each of thekeys a user types into a computer keyboard. The user who installed the program or hardware device can then view all keys typed in by that user. Because these programs and hardware devices monitor the keys typed in a user can easily find user passwords and other information a user may not wish others to know about. Keyloggers, as a surveillance tool, are often used by employers to ensure employees use work computers for business purposes only. Unfortunately, keyloggers can also be embedded in spyware allowing your information to be transmitted to an unknown third party. About keyloggerskey loggersA keylogger is a program that runs in the background, recording all the keystrokes. Once keystrokes are logged, they are hidden in the machine for later retrieval, or shipped raw to the attacker. The attacker then peruses them carefully in the hopes of either finding passwords, or possibly ...

Convert Youtube to Mp3 audio iPod iPhone ,PSP, etc online free

Convert Youtube to Mp3 audio iPod iPhone and PSPTags: AVI, FLV Flash, Ipod, media converter, mp3, psp, YouTube video converter Music Widgets, Tools, Web 2.0Bender Converter is an easy-to-use online application for downloading and converting videos from such services as YouTube, Daily Motion, Mega Video, Vimeo,, Veoh, Google Video and many others. You can download video and audio in MP3, AVI, FLV Flash,iPod / iPhone and other popular formats. The service is fast and doesn’t require you to register.All that you need is a link to a page with a video and our software. It works in four simple steps: 1) Choose the format in which you want to download the video / audio. 2) Enter the complete address of the webpage with the video Press the “Convert” button. 4) Press the “Download” button to save file to your computer and you ready to go.Go to Bender Converter here

Spy on Text Messages: Complete Guide

Spy on Text Messages: Complete Guide Srikanth RameshSince the popularity of text messages have significantly increased during the recent years, it has also become a popular channel for most people to exchange secret messages and engage in dubious activities. Therefore, in order to find out the truth sometimes it becomes obligatory tospy on text messagessuch as WhatsApp, Viber and FB Messenger.  Particularly if you are a parent or an employer, it becomes your right to spy so as to investigate what is happening with your child or employee.Popular Ways to Spy on Text MessagesThe following are some of the commonly used methods to spy on text messages like as SMS, IM chat conversations and Emails. 1. Using a Spying App: The Easiest WayToday, even though there exists a large number of mobile apps to spy on text messages, many are simply overpriced and some will never reallystand up with the competition at all. However, there are a few spy apps that are really worth stating and...

Top 20 root hacking app 2016

List of Best Android Hacking Apps 2016:-Here we provide you a full collection of hacking android apps that can make your android into a wonderful machine. You can do lots of hacking with these android apps, like wifi hacking with android apps, hack websites usernames and passwords. This all tools are free for download and these all apps you found in my hacking android collection,Download Android Hacking Apps 2016 #1 Arpspoof Arpspoof is a tool for network auditing originally written by Dug Song as a part of his sniff package. This app redirects traffic on the local network by forging ARP replies and sending them to either a specific target or all the hosts onthe local network paths. #2 Droid Pentest Pentest helps you to find all android apps for penetration testing and hacking so you can make complete penetration test platform. It is one of the Best Android Hacking app 2015. #3 DroidSheep DroidSheep [Root] is an Android app for Security analysis in wireless networks andcapturing ...

What is root

What is root? What is a work of root ?? Plzz read here :- Rootingis the process of allowing users ofsmartphones,tabletsand other devices running theAndroidmobile operating systemto attainprivileged control(known asroot access) over various Android subsystems. As Android uses theLinux kernel, rooting an Android device gives similar access to administrative (superuser) permissions as onLinuxor any otherUnix-likeoperating system such asFreeBSDorOS X.Rooting is often performed with the goal of overcoming limitations thatcarriersand hardware manufacturers put on some devices. Thus, rooting gives the ability (or permission) to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specializedapplications("apps") that require administrator-level permissions, or perform other operations that are otherwise inaccessible to a normal Android user. On Android, rooting can also facilitate the complete removal and replacement of the device's operating system, usually with a more r...