LazyKali is an awesome script written in bash shell. It can automate the whole update and install new tools in your hack repository. As the name suggests, you can get all the updates on Kali Linux and your repositories in one place by running this script. Please read the description of the project here to know what tools are there that are going to be added when you run the script. Download . * Warning: Disable firewall or Internet Security application if your Kali Linux is installed in a virtual machine. To install the script on Kali Linux, run rootkali:~ #./ on root terminal window. (If you get a message Permission Denied , then first type rootkali:~ #chmod +x and then rootkali:~ #./ ). if the script is not installed it may prompt you to install. Type Y to install the script. Once the script is installed, it will check the version. If the version is old, allow it to update by typing...